5 Essential Checkpoints Before You Meet a Man Online

5 Essential Things to Note Before Meeting someone
5 Essential Things to Note Before Meeting someone

About to meet your online sweetheart for a first face-to-face date? Well don't go rushing to the door just yet. Before you go ahead and stroll up to the date, make sure you know these 5 basic and essential things about him before the big day.

1. His name.
Sound over the top silly? With all the emails coming in on a daily basis, sometimes the actual persons name gets confused in the shuffle. It’s so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of meeting a prospective Prince Charming online, that when you finally sit down at a cozy restaurant you find yourself saying “Nice to finally meet you … err … shyguy84!?!” Be certain to find out at least a first name, and even better, a last name, so you can make the connection with the real-life person.

2. What City He Lives
In You just took a 5 minute subway ride to your favorite coffee shop in midtown Manhattan to meet your man, the entire time blushing at how lucky you are to have met such a great guy who also lives in New York! You sit anxiously until he arrives 15 minutes late. Fashionably late? No. He begins to explain that he hit some traffic during his hour and a half drive from Long Island. Some people can leave key details out of their profile in regards to their location within the state they live. Make sure you know his city and how close it is to you. A man is not driving an hour and a half for coffee unless he expects some dessert afterwards.

3. If He Plans on Being Monogamous
If you do not look for the signs online, you may be sorely disappointed when he tries to lead you back to his apartment at the end of the night. A man looking for a fling is not going to just come out and tell you he is looking for a booty call, but the signs are usually there when you look hard enough, so pay attention. If he seems like a player, he probably is.

4. How Accessible He
Is If the first date leaves you with butterflies, you’re going to want date number two right away. How sad will you be when you find out that after date number one he has to go away on a business trip for four weeks, to the Andes, and without a phone or computer? What if you’re a 9 to 5’er and he works nights and weekends? You want him to be accessible for social and bonding time. Find out his general schedule.

5. What He Looks Like
It is okay to admit that physical attractiveness is important. It is nature’s way of making sure that the human race continues on. The first glimpse of your man’s physical appearance should leave you with that tingling sensation in your fingertips, stumbling over your words, and picturing him naked. Or at the very least, wondering what it’s like to kiss him. The last thing you need on a first date is to be looking around the room for a more attractive man and uninterested in the one sitting across from you. Make sure you’ve got a good idea that you are attracted to his physical appearance.

Make it a habit to get these 5 pieces of information before jumping from the virtual world to the real world. Not only will it safeguard you against terrible, upsetting, an awkward first dates, but it will make you all the more excited to know that your real-world date has real-world potential!

For more information from Joshua Pompey, including 7 tips for the perfect profile, click here.  Or learn more here about his world-famous profile writing service.

Author Profile

Joshua Pompey is a world recognized expert in the field of online dating and relationships. Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking and JoshuaPompey.Com, you can find plenty of services and free advice by visiting the following links: http://nemvip.com and http://joshuapompey.com

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