The Urban Dater Mentioned on NY Times, by the AP

It's always nice when the Urban Dater gets a shout out in legitimate media. Normally, if we're not mentioned in ‘the Gutter Slut Times' then Taylor and I just aren't trying hard enough! Which it's why it's such an honor to be mentioned by the Associated Press in a recent article by Susan Haigh, ‘States seek to make it safer to find love online.

It's not really that big of a deal, as I've seen most of our friends in the blogging world mentioned all over the place, to my knowledge, though, this is our first mention. Huzzah!

One of the things I discussed with Susan, in her article, was that flip-side to providing further regulation and protection to online daters. Obviously, we give a fair amount of information to dating sites when we sign up, most of which we can fake, if we like. Now, that “veil of privacy” goes bye-bye, so to speak, all in the name of protecting people who engage in online dating. I wrote my take on this just the other day.

It will be interesting to see how states deal with privacy and securing online daters safety; though, I think it a foregone conclusion that safety generally tends to trump privacy or any other perceived civil liberties for that matter. Anyone like the intrusive airport scans? No, but you're willing to put up with them because they put your mind at ease and can help keep you safe, thus, you concede a few liberties. Yes, not having inanimate objects brushed against your junk by strangers IS a liberty, but I digress.

In any case, be sure to check out Susan's article on the New York Times, courtesy of the AP. It's pretty fab and it mentions the Urban Dater. If you can't get down with that, then your heart is three sizes too small!

Author Profile

Alex is the founder and managing editor at the Urban Dater. Alex also runs: DigiSavvy, for which he is the co-founder and Principal. Alex has a lot on his mind. Will he ever get it right? If he does, he'll be sure to write.

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