How to Ruin a Relationship (In a Few Simple Steps)

Relationships should be fun, easy and filled with romance (aren't they all like that at first?) but it’s easy to ruin a relationship over time. By the time you’re miserable and it’s no longer an easy relationship, many people think the end is near and it’s too late. Whether you've been together for 15 years or 5 months, this can happen and one way to prevent it from happening or to recover from it is to know how you got there. There are a number of key relationship qualities that must be maintained to keep a relationship alive but as we become comfortable in our relationship, sometimes these traits fall to the wayside and are taken for granted. When these traits start slipping, it’s only a few simple steps until the relationship may be ruined and you are wondering how this happened. So if you want to prevent this from happening to your relationships, we've created a list of how to ruin a relationship in a few simple steps. Hopefully you can see where you've lost a trait, see where you may be heading and take the reversal steps to save your relationship. Or you can read this with the thought of trying to ruin a relationship, but if that’s the case, we suggest having the break up talk instead.

Lose Communication

The first simple step to ruin a relationship is to stop communicating. By not asking or telling your significant other about your day, you’re already on your way. Communication doesn’t just mean just telling your side of things, it also means listening and caring about what the other person has to say, so if you want to ruin a relationship, just stop communicating all together. From there it’s a slippery slope.

 Lose Respect

Once you’ve stopped communicating, the next simple step is to stop caring and lose all respect for that person. Did they have a treat in the fridge you just ate or do you just roll your eyes when they talk about something you don’t care about? Then you’re there.

Remove Trust

Losing communication and respect for one another instantly takes care of the step of losing trust. Trust is all about communicating wants, hopes, dreams, desires and needs and respecting the other person. Without either of those you can expect to have your phone and emails gone through and questions about “who is on the phone?” and “where have you been?”

Get an Addiction

An addiction is the thing to seal the deal and literally take the ruining of a relationship full circle. Having an addiction can break down a relationships communication, respect and trust and it also can result because of a breakdown of those things. Whether it’s to pornography, shopping, alcohol or drugs, an addiction is a surefire way to ruin relationships key traits.

Author Profile

Author bio: Mark Kastleman is with Candeo Behavior Change and has devoted his time and talents in helping many individuals overcome unwanted addictive behaviors and live a healthy lifestyle. When Mark is not giving trainings about brain science and the study of the human mind, he is enjoying his time writing and spending time with his family.

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  1. These are among many things that test the limits of a relationship and reach an inevitable breaking point. Great thing is that these are things that can be restored and fixed and in time healed.

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