
Will You Support PressGram?


Update: This project has been funded! W0ot!

Some of you who know me know that I'm a pretty huge WordPress nut. I attribute the growing success of this site to the very fact that, in 2009 I chose to move over to WordPress from another shitty CMS. I've been a WordPress evangelist for a while now and I even organize a monthly WordPress Meetup in Pasadena.  I've purchased a ton of themes and plugins. Needless to say, I'm invested.

I'm also a pretty avid Instagram user. It allows a low barrier-to-entry method of snapping stylish photos and sharing them with friends. However, there was a recent dust up with Instagram selling its users' photos without their permission. In a word shitty. I hated that notion. I've still used Instagram since then, but their policy could change at any time and very likely will.

That said, there's a big idea out there and it's not a new one: Own your shit! That is, if I snap a photo or share something it's mine. Mine to sell, mine to do with whatever I want. It's effing mine! And that choice should exist for everyone. I'm not saying you have to go and own your own data or creative thoughts, but why wouldn't you want to? At the very least people should have the choice and not worry about someone flipping a switch and changing the policy on them on an at-will basis.

That's why the creation of ‘PressGram‘ is important. It is a big idea that combines two things that are important to me: WordPress and Owning your creative shit. Boom! The Kickstarter project for PressGram is looking to raise 50k and he's just shy of 5k to complete this project. I've kicked in $101 bucks myself because I do belive in the project and I want a rad shirt, dammit! The project is close to getting the traction it needs, but it still needs YOUR help! Get on board and get moving on supporting a project that's about more than a cool app, it's about owning your creative awesomeness. If you need more incentive, this guy, Chris Lema, wants to offer you further incentive to kick-in. For those of you developing products/startups then he's a guy that you want to talk to.

So, will you support PressGram with me?

Author Profile

Alex is the founder and managing editor at the Urban Dater. Alex also runs: DigiSavvy, for which he is the co-founder and Principal. Alex has a lot on his mind. Will he ever get it right? If he does, he'll be sure to write.

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    1. Thank you for taking the initiative! I believe in what you’re doing and I hope it sees the light of day… =)

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