Adjusting to a Mobile Lifestyle

online sexting
online sexting

Let’s face it.  These days one can barely walk down the street without seeing someone’s eyes glued to a cell phone.  Love it or hate it, these days the majority of a woman’s social interactions will take place via the phone, and dating is no exception to this phenomenon.

We are living in an age where the common person has an extremely short attention span.   No matter how successful an interaction we may have with a woman upon first meeting, the emotional high of the interaction will fade quickly if we are not careful.

Well texting is the best way to circumvent this problem.  If we use our phones correctly, we will be able to keep interest levels high, and stay on the minds of women even on the days when we don’t see them.  Let’s take a look at a few quick tips for becoming successful at text messaging.

1.  Avoid small talk.

Asking questions such as, “what’s up,” or “what are you doing,” are boring and don’t serve much of a purpose.  The goal of texting is to stay on a woman’s mind, but to do so in an interesting way.

2.  Refer to inside jokes.

Think of something that happened during the first time the both of you met.  Then find a way to create an inside joke based on that event.  For example, let’s suppose the first night I met a girl I was teasing her about how she better not stalk me now that she has my number.  In my first text the next day, I can use that as a jump off point for making a joke.  Now we both have an inside joke that we are playing off of.

3.  Flirt a little bit.

Flirting in the early stages of meeting a woman is critical.  We need to show that we are potential romantic partners, not just potential friends.  Emoticons could be a great tool for flirting via text, just be careful not to overdo it.

4.  Don’t overdo it.

Texting a girl every now and then is fine.  But don’t overdo it.  If you feel like interest is starting to wane on her side from too much text messaging, put the phone down, and don’t text for at least another day, unless she texts you first.

5.  Have fun.

This may sound oversimplified, but just have fun out there!   At the end of the day, all any girl wants to do is just have fun.  So help make this happen!

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Author Profile

Joshua Pompey is a world recognized expert in the field of online dating and relationships. Founder of Next Evolution Matchmaking and JoshuaPompey.Com, you can find plenty of services and free advice by visiting the following links: and

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