
Does Personality Trump Looks? Should It?

So I was recently acquainted with @myblindcupid on Twitter.  They were very friendly and asking questions about social media, getting noticed and such.  Well, I normally get noticed by acting a fool, chicken head and jack ass all at the same time.  I know, it's an amazing talent.  Right?  In further looking at @myblindcupid‘s account I see a website: http://myblindcupid.com.   Intrigued, I click…What I find is a site that hasn't quite launched yet, but it didn't need to, to understand the concept they were going with.

You see, My Blind Cupid is a service that promotes personality, the stuff on the inside, rather than profile pictures of half naked people who tan too much and have forehead muscles.  The idea here, the message, is one that we all know.  Online dating is superficial.  We sign up with a site, build our profile, post our pics and think of witty things to say, or play up how much of a catch we are.  Step two, you ask?  Easy, before you even take a look at what's out there, you locate your search filter.  Filtering out single parents, over weight, too tall, too short, too skinny, too tragic, too whatever.   The point is that you've effectively narrowed your dating pool in favor of your standards, while also filtering out a lot of other people with potentially amazing personalities who are probably amazing people in their own right.

Personally, I'm guilty of this.  I don't feel bad about it, necessarily.  I mean, I know what I want and what I feel I deserve and that's what I go after.  However, I've also done the opposite.

Years ago when I was trying to find myself and started dating after a long layoff, I dated various types of women.  Women that I wouldn't have ordinarily have dated.  These women were either short, chain smokers, large and in charge, shaved head… I mean, I was ALL OVER the place.  Literally.  However, during that time that's when I feel I learned the most about myself as a person.  I learned what I could deal with and not deal with but also gained perspective into myself and the people I dated.  Not only that, but I dated some women that are pretty effing amazing that I'm still friends with to this day.

In all, I'm pretty excited about what My Blind Cupid is going to do.  I signed up just to see, you should, too.

Author Profile

Alex is the founder and managing editor at the Urban Dater. Alex also runs: DigiSavvy, for which he is the co-founder and Principal. Alex has a lot on his mind. Will he ever get it right? If he does, he'll be sure to write.

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  1. At first, the concept to me was kinda "really? you expect that to work?" Well, yeah, they do and I think it can. I like the term "dating box," by the way. I know I have mine: No bodybuilders over 6ft for me. Yes, I consciously had to make that a rule… I'll write about that some day… Maybe. *shudders

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