Is There a Place for `Astrology Compatibility’ in a Relationship?

astrology in romance

Is There a Place for `Astrology Compatibility’ in a Relationship? Or is it just a bunch of baloney?

Aren’t these great questions?  Now, if you are still reading, you must have an open mind. Isn’t it interesting that the people who have the most fulfilling and satisfying lives – always seem to know more than everybody else?

It must be that they – like you – have an open mind.  Let’s face it – the terms of `Astrology Compatibility’ and terms like `Love Calculator’ – would turn most people off.  At the very least – most would be rolling their eyes, while thinking of ways to do disengage themselves from the conversation.

So, does Astrology Compatibility deserve some interest – some exploration,  as to how it may affect your relationship?

The facts seem to support it.  Many, many people do believe in it, and report on satisfying relationships because of it. Are they just gullible, or is there really something to it?

First, what is it?  Well, it is simply a branch of astrology that studies relationships by comparing natal horoscopes.  A natal horoscope is a chart or a snapshot of the planets and their positions at the exact time of a person’s birth.

Sounds like a bunch of baloney, doesn’t it?  Well, when you consider that we (almost every one of us) spend an awful lot of time trying to understand ourselves, would it not be wise to at least consider the benefits of a tool – that has been used for thousands of years – by countless millions of people?

The sources of our attempts at understanding ourselves for most people are varied, and often suspect.  For example, how about the couples’ counselor – a licensed therapist – who advises couples on their issues – and gives them guidance, which they often follow.

silhouettes at sunset

Then we find out – true case – that this soft-spoken counselor lives in separate quarters (same house) from her spouse – and they are frequent daters (not with each other) and take separate vacations. And yet, people take advice from this woman.  How many cases are there like this?

So, to take away some insight from a tool (astrology) that we never will fully understand, but which has a rich history, does not seem so bizarre after all.

Value can be found in the most unlikely packages, and it is the `lucky` individuals whom we all envy a bit – that seem to have found some of these sources.

Most people stay in the safe mainstream of thought and actions – and therefore shun anything outside of those parameters. And yet, the average person does not seem very successful at all in their relationships – yet alone in their overall life’s satisfaction.

Divorce statistics, and satisfaction indexes point that out with dramatic clarity.

Interesting, isn’t it?

So, to acquire information (insight if you prefer) from other than mainstream sources – all of a sudden do not seem like such a bad idea after all, does it?

When you realize that the general info you get from the daily horoscopes you see in the paper every day – almost always contain a kernel of truth and insight.  Then, when you further consider that if you really gave the information that is needed to get a detailed report, such as:

  • Date of birth (That is the only factor in the paper’s generalized horoscopes)

  • Place of Birth

  • Time of Birth

What could you expect to get in return?  I can tell you from personal experience that the information you receive just from those three factors – is absolutely amazing.  I was blown away by the accuracy.

Then, you couple that with the data from your partner – and the additional insight for both of you could not help but have an enormous impact on the success of your relationship.

If knowledge is truly power, couple that knowledge with additional insight –and you have a powerful factor in achieving what most people want – a great happy relationship compatibility scenario

Why not explore?

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Ron Millicent makes it easy for you to learn the magic of the Law of Attraction. Sign up for his FREE mini-series of daily inspirational guides that point the way in clear direct installments. It’s yours FREE!

Two books recently published:
Lessons of Life
Successful Habits
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One Comment

  1. When you realize that the general info you get from the daily horoscopes you see in the paper every day – almost always contain a kernel of truth and insight. Then, when you further consider that if you really gave the information that is needed to get a detailed report

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