Time To Get Seriously Friendly. Say Hello And Pick Up A Date!

Say Hello
You see him looking at you from the corner of your eye. There’s a definite attraction there yet he seems hesitant to spark up a conversation. Or maybe he hasn’t even spotted how awesomesauce you are yet, but you’ve definitely got your eyes on him.

Who says you have to wait around, batting your eyelashes and hoping that he’ll introduce himself? It’s 2013, girlies. Find your courage, adjust your lady balls, say hello and pick that man up!

There's no better time to find someone to cuddle up to than Fall. Here are three simple steps that I think any woman can use to pick up a man and snag herself a date:

Step One – Pick your hot(tie) spot. The bar scene isn't for everybody, especially if you’re going it alone. Who says you can't pick up a date at a dog park, or even the grocery store? What about a museum, or an art gallery? Of course there are also spots that are notoriously filled with testosterone: the gym, a sporting event, a concert (unless it’s Celine Dion) or even the Apple store (Hey nerdy guys need love too, and from my experience are super affectionate and AWESOME.)

Think about the kind of guy you’re interested in and where you’re most likely to run into him. We can’t leave everything to fate, ladies.

Step Two – Rock those pearly whites and cleavage from a distance first, then make your move. So you’ve picked your hunting ground and you’ve spotted your future ex-husband. Make eye contact with him, and for the love of bacon – SMILE. Make sure that your body language is open and that you look approachable. Did you know more than 50 percent of all initial communication is done via body language and gestures? Don't cross your arms or your legs. Be open. Then point your toes toward him and make your move.

Step Three – Strut your stuff and say hello. Sure you could skip this last step if the thought of starting a conversation with an attractive man terrifies you – but if you skip this step, you’re seriously depriving yourself of both an opportunity for some bow-chica-bow-wow and a valuable screening tool. Yes he’s attractive, but what if this guy is a total weirdo or douche and you’re sitting there fantasizing about him?

Besides, you're going to have to talk to him at some point, anyway. It's better to find out now that he has horrible teeth, is dumb as rocks, or that he can't stop talking about his ex or Furby collection, rather than make the discovery on your first date, when your escape route will be WAY narrower.

Say hello… NOW!

A good way to start the conversation? How about trying one of the following pickup lines that are sure to impress:



Ok, ok. I get it. Perhaps the pickup line route isn’t for you.

Really, any sort of introduction will work. Ask him for a pen. Ask him for the time. Comment on the weather.  Compliment him on his clothes, his shoes, his wooly Mammoth beard, or that adorable dog he’s walking.

The truth is the novelty of being approached by a seriously friendly woman is enough to make most men smile and reciprocate so just find the courage and start a conversation.

One super important thing to remember before doing ANY of the above – make sure your breath is fresh lest you scare a man off before things even start!

That's right, before you say hello to that urban lumberjack I totally suggest you say hello to hello seriously friendly oral care.

I recently discovered their products and they work wonders on your mouth.

With delicious flavors like Sweet Cinnamint, Pink Grapefruit Mint ( My personal fav), Supermint and Mojito Mint, hello mouthwash & hello toothpaste are a delicious addition to your pre-date rituals.

Say Hello Clutch

And ladies, there’s seriously no excuse to leave home without one of their breath sprays – ESPECIALLY when you're looking for man candy. They're so tiny they even fit perfectly in your clutch or pocket, which means you can have them with you at all times – right beside your favorite red lipstick.

A full list of the retailers that carry hello oral care products are available at hello’s website (www.hello-products.com). And if you're in NYC, you can also check them out on the shelves of your local Duane Reade.

You never know when life's going to throw you back in the dating game!  Be prepared with my tips and a mouth full of awesome courtesy of hello.

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