Dating Secrets That Are No Secret

3. “I remember when, I remember, I remember when I lost my mind”. Does that make me crazy? Yes, and crazy isn't cute. So lock it up for at least the first three dates before you tell him to love it or leave it. Too many women want a man to ‘love her for who she is” but if who you are belongs in a padded wall institute, you can bet your sweet ass he'd rather not play boyfriend babysitter while you have your bi-monthly melt downs about love, life and the never-ending pursuit of happiness. This dating secret should go without saying, but the crazies are the ones who need to be reminded that in order to be loved you can't spend more time talking to your cats than you do a potential partner.

4. “Show me the money!” Be passionate about your work. I have been around one too many people these days who, when asked about their career, simply spend the next hour and a half discussing the toilet bowl of a job they are stuck in. The average person spends 90,000 hours at work in their lifetime and to be totally honest, why put yourself through the torture? All that says to me is that you like to settle, which means you're probably just as bad at picking out a partner as you are at picking out your profession. So the secret to this very important revelation is to make sure you are absolutely satisfied in your occupation or lie through your god damn teeth. Sometimes the passion is there, or the dollar figures, or maybe your boss is bangin' hot, but if you want to wow the date in front of you make sure to sell your job as the coolest thing since sliced bread.

5. “I said no, but what I meant was yes”. The language of love is the joke that never ends. It's hard enough to express what you want with impeccable linguistics and proper grammar, but it's even worse when you can't figure out if English is someones second language. Nobody expects you to have downloaded to your phone, but I can assure you that using words beyond the common first grade composition choices will earn you enough points to cash in for really cool date prizes! A person who can't figure out which ‘you're' or ‘your' to use sounds harmless, but when it comes time to write me a love note on our anniversary it's going to take a bit of the maturity and romance out of the letter when I stop at every grammatical fuck up. There's something about wondering if you're smart enough to know the difference or just too lazy to fix your mistake that really grinds the gears of the more astute daters of the world.

6. “The way to his heart is through his stomach”. Some clichés are spot on, this is one of them. You bring a man a home cooked meal, and ten times out of ten will he gleefully accept your contribution to his bottomless pit of a stomach. Gender roles are fading out, but a woman in the kitchen will always pull at a mans heart-strings. As he shovels piles of Pinterest pie into his face hole, he will most likely have flashes of that 1950's woman in her apron waiting for her man to get home from work as she slaves away meal after meal. You cooking puts you in your ‘role' so that he may feel empowered to come home from his (probably not very hard) job and slide nicely into his. He brings home the bacon, you cook it. Betty Crocker probably had an everlasting marriage, and with this secret you may too.

7. “Classy is the new black”. I'm getting older, hopefully all of you wonderful people are too. If not, we're swapping “secrets” when this article is done. When I was younger I used to fashion t-shirts into dresses, pile on the darkest make up I owned, and usually left the house without underwear. Why? Because in my mind that was how you got a boy to like you, when in reality that was how-to-catch-a-predator. It's a semi-secret that classy women have more pull. With sex basically controlling the media it's hard to support this theory until you live it. Maybe it's the caliber of men one acquires by wearing a pencil skirt and a blouse instead of a mini skirt and a spaghetti strap, but there's not a doubt in my mind that the more you practice this principle the quicker you will find love instead of just false romance.
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