On The Rebound: Signs You’re On A Rebound Relationship
Most people have more than one relationship before finding the right person for them. Oftentimes, the gap between these relationships varies from just a few days to several years for some. The length of time from one relationship to another often depends on whether the person has already moved on and gotten over the previous relationship. Although it is ideal that there is nothing left from the previous relationship, this is not always the case.
Unfortunately, relationships that come right on the heels of the previous one are not uncommon. These relationships are often referred to as rebound relationships because they are like rebounds from the previous relationships. There are many possible reasons why rebound relationships happen such as being used for distraction, the pheromones in men, eagerness to start a new relationship, the pheromone advantage, and many more. Rebound relationships have several drawbacks but it does not necessarily mean that these kinds of relationships do not work out. Below are some signs that you are on a rebound relationship.
- There are signs that you are not yet over your previous relationships. If you feel that you are not yet over your ex, then your current relationship is probably just a rebound relationship. Did you give yourself enough time to mourn and get over your previous relationship? Do you sometimes feel that you jumped into this relationship from your previous one?
- Comparing your current partner to your ex. If you are not yet over your ex, you will constantly find yourself looking for him or her in your current partner. It may also be that you are not looking for the qualities of your ex but instead, you are expecting what you feel was lacking from your ex.
You still wish to make your ex jealous or to get back with your ex in the future. Whether you wish to make your ex jealous or you are still thinking of getting back with our ex in the future, these are both possible signs that you are currently on the rebound.
- You do not feel too happy with your current relationship. No matter what the possible reason may be, if you feel that you are not too happy with your current relationship and at the same time you feel that you were happier with your previous one, then this is a possible sign of being in a rebound relationship. Try to understand why you feel some kind of unhappiness in your current relationship.
Raiza is a love guru who understands the power of women pheromones and how it can change one’s life. From sharing tips on how to have a successful first date to what pheromone cologne is most effective to use, her articles are widely read all over the web.
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