Why You Fail at Online Dating

online dating fail
online dating fail

Like it or not, online dating is here to stay. Online dating is a great way to meet plenty of men or women in a very short period of time, but a lot of people get frustrated and give up. Today I’m going to go over the most common reasons people fail at online dating.

1. Patience

Dating in general takes a lot of patience. As one girl put it, “You have to kiss a lot of frogs until you find the your prince”. I coached a client who complained that after only three days online he wasn’t having any luck meeting women. He had only one photo on his profile that wasn’t very flattering and his profile was poorly written. My brother was online for a year before he found the women he eventually married and started a family with. You need to hang in there! Dating is a numbers game. You only need to meet that one special person, not ten.

2. You’re Choosing the Wrong Photos

Too often people use pictures of them in sunglasses, partying, far away shots or artistic pictures that really don’t tell other people anything about them. Simple rule of thumb, 3-5 pictures including full body shots, you smiling, yourself in casual and formal wear. Guys, don’t take include photos of you with other women, unless it’s your sister. You’ll come across as a player or a guy with a wandering eye.

3. You Can’t Write a Good Profile

Most profiles are very poorly written. Everything is facts, facts, facts. Remember folks, you want to write a good profile that will make people want to contact you. Why should you do all the work, when you can write a great profile that will speak for itself and get people to contact you. Also, don’t be negative in your profile, it doesn’t help.

4. You Contact Women at the Wrong Time

The worst times to contact women are on Friday or Saturday nights. People are out on those days having fun or even dating other people from the same site your on. So what’s the best day to contact women? Sunday! On a Sunday you’re usually relaxing and chances are if a girl had a bad date on friday or saturday she’s going to go back on that dating site again looking for someone else.

5. You Don’t Read People’s Profiles

Many men are guilty of sending the same message to a hundred women saying “hey, how’s it going?”. Each message you send should be unique and its contents should be based on what you read in the women’s profile. You need to stand out from 95% of guys out there who have no clue how to date online.


Follow me on twitter @edmontondating and if you need help with your online dating message me at promotiondating@gmail.com for a free consultation!

Author Profile

I used to be terrible with women until I received coaching from several great mentors out there who taught me to unleash my inner alpha male and be the type of man that attracts women and not chases them. My area of expertise is online dating, but I also provide advice on the right types of dates to take women on and provide men with the proper mindset to approach dating.

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