101 Things I Learned About Online Dating: Learning to Let Go

I wrote this back in December 2015. I never bothered to publish it until today.

When we find a good thing we want it; when we meet someone with whom we have chemistry, we want to explore it further. Ultimately, when it comes to the good things in life we want more of it, whatever it is—we ultimately want to control it, whether or not we're aware of it. Is that desire just human nature? I don't know; I have no answers…

The tighter you try and hold on to something you are afraid of losing, the more you are pushing it away. Thoughts that you don't want to lose something are filled with fear, and if you continue with those thoughts, what you #fear the most will come upon you. Fear nothing – just think about what you want. It feels so much better!
— Rhonda Byrne

Sometimes we're called on to make a decision. The decision is based on a relatively simple question: Are you willing to be vulnerable and put yourself out there?

The ways we make ourselves vulnerable are numerous. One such way is simply telling someone that you love them only to have them not say it back to you… ever. Another way to make yourself vulnerable is simply standing pat in a situation your gut tells you is wrong. But is that just vulnerability or stupidity? Who knows.

When your gut speaks, listen. When it's not right, ask why. When you think it's time to walk away it is and you gotta go and do the hard thing. Walk.

Author Profile

Alex is the founder and managing editor at the Urban Dater. Alex also runs: DigiSavvy, for which he is the co-founder and Principal. Alex has a lot on his mind. Will he ever get it right? If he does, he'll be sure to write.

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