Vote for the Urban Dater for a Kick Ass Blog Award Thingy!


We're not quite sure how it happened, but your kids at the Urban Dater are up for an award. Not just some random award but a Bad Ass Blog award, from the Bloggessess over at the Indie Chicks. We love them and what they do; so you can imagine just how shocked we were to get a nod.

So would you all be so kind as to help us out on this one? We need your votes! Once a day, err'day! Can you handle it? Sure, of course you can! Let's get right to it!

Vote here – We hope it's obvious, but if it's not, it would be swell if you voted for the Urban Dater. =)

Author Profile

Alex is the founder and managing editor at the Urban Dater. Alex also runs: DigiSavvy, for which he is the co-founder and Principal. Alex has a lot on his mind. Will he ever get it right? If he does, he'll be sure to write.

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