Don’t Be A Pussy!


When I take guys out to start approaching women for the first time, nearly every single one has some fear of what they are about to do. We even have a term for it – “approach anxiety” – the fear of approaching a girl you've never met.

As well as this, a large proportion of my students also have a fear of moving things on with the girl – in other words making it clear that they're interested in more than just being friends! (Incidentally many guys have the problem of being put in the friend zone by girls, and a big part of the reason why is because they act like, well, a pussy.)

The fears that these guys have are not “real” in the sense that they're about to ripped apart by a sabre tooth tiger, or shat upon from a great height by a giant pigeon with an extra size arsehole. They are a psychological fear. The fear still FEELS very real in that moment though, that's for sure. Infact it's well known that the fear of approaching never really totally disappears, it just becomes more manageable.

So as teachers we've evolved ways of coaxing students over their fears to show them that they are really not all that bad and nothing terrible is going to happen to them…But despite all the years of teaching, all the articles, even the book that I have written, and videos that have been made on the subject, it basically can be summed up by one expression : DON'T BE A PUSSY.

The only way to get over these fears is to just fuc**ing DO IT. This has been proven time and time again, because in doing it, you begin to learn to control the involuntary micro behaviours that your body will start to exhibit when you have a dump of adrenaline..In many ways, approaching a hot girl for the first time you've never met can activate the same fight or flight response that you'll get when some ugly shaven headed thug starts mouthing off and squaring up to you outside the local nightclub on a Friday night!

Unlike the possibility of a big working class fist landing onto your beak if you get into these kind of scrapes, in 99% of cases the worst possible outcome if you approach a girl and she's not interested in you (and be warned, most girls won't be interested in you unless you are SUPER hot!), will be that she walks off. Possibly a quizzically raised eyebrow or a bit of eye rolling..
But the benefits are out of this world…Jumping into bed…or the local field, or a Starbucks toilet for passionate sex with a girl you only met an hour earlier tends to open your eyes to what is possible in the most pleasurable way imaginable..And it all begins by grabbing your balls, squaring your shoulders and going for it.

Don't be a pussy.

Author Profile

Steve Jabba runs a dating website, where he teaches men techniques and attitude to build their confidence with women.

You can find out more about Steve at his website below.

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