Tagging A Relationship: A Must Or Unnecessary For Today’s Millenials

trust your partner social media

In today’s generation, millennials’ validation of relationship is through their social media accounts. More often than not, ‘if it is not on Facebook, it is NOT official.’ This behavior has been typical for a long time now since the birth of social media and cyber validation.

Relationships nowadays are hard to keep because of these distractions. People are always looking forward and curious about what’s happening to other people’s relationships and sometimes problems are being posted on each other’s wall rather than dealing with it offline.

What's the best way to deal with these types of distractions? How can we avoid the pitfalls that are commonplace in today's fast-moving social landscape? I've got a few suggestions just for that sort of thing.

Do not post everything on social media
Try to keep mum on your relationship and deal with it in your personal sphere. It ‘s nice to let the world know how in love you may be with your partner but make sure that you keep a limit of what you share. In the first place, it is nice to be surprised by what you can do for each other in an offline basis. Agree on things that can be shared publicly and which are not if you would want to post things about your relationship online.

Do not stalk your partner
Give him or her a sense of space on social media and do not stalk him or her. Trust your partner fully that he or she will not do unnecessary things that will destroy your relationship. Keep the space and enjoy each other’s company if you get the time together. If you dot feel like being constantly followed or your moves and scheduled being bugged, do not do the same to your partner. Learn to trust and to encourage each other grow individually as separate individuals.

Put the phone down
Do not rely too much on your phone and learn to live a healthy life. Do not make social media and the internet a validation of your love for each other. Say it personally, instead of using text or similar, say it out loud to them. Spend time outdoors. You can swim, hike, run, camp or anything that will keep you away from your phone when spending time with your partner. Be sure that your phones are also in silent mode and away when you are with him or her to be able to give your full and focused attention.

Make the call not leave it on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram
If you want to say something to your partner but you are not physically together, call him or her than messaging him or her in social media. Hearing their voice is the first thing that you may want to do if you are trying to talk to them. Plus, you can set the tone on how your message shall be delivered rather them just reading it.

Be in the know about what your partner truly need and how they feel – but make sure not to find it out on social media. Maintain a healthy conversation, ensure that you are paying attention to them, keep it in the low and enjoy each other’s company.

Photo Cred: Kate Serbin

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