
Having Confident Body Language On A Date

body language
body language

Don't leave your body language to chance! Real men are prepared to modify their body language for dates, subsequent social interactions, get-togethers with her friends, and dinner at her parents' house, usually in that order, and they don't just go about their body language
willy-nilly. You can't take a haphazard approach to body language because it's one of the most important determinations of everything going on inside you that a woman looks at when thinking about you. You don't want to just leave it to your verbal language alone to win a girl over. Let's
talk about how you can show confidence with body language.

Stay Away from Your Pockets

Keep those hands out of your pockets. People put their hands in their pockets when they're nervous or uncertain about who they are. If you're presenting a case to a woman about why she should choose you, then you don't want to show her that you have an unsure picture of yourself.
This will make you look unstable and make her think that she's getting involved with the wrong kind of guy. Keeping your hands out in the open, and gesticulating a lot, shows that you don't have anything to hide and want to be very expressive. Tie this in with a V-neck t-shirt, and you'll show the women that you're more open emotionally too. A man that knows who he is and is very emotional also, is a very big turn-on.

Don't Fidget Around

Fidgeting is a sure sign of nervousness. A man who can't sit still, is a man who is scared, unconfident, and tense. Your hands can be your biggest foes, and you should work to keep them steady and still. You should certainly talk with your hands, and keeping them moving is a
good thing, but still make sure they’re under control and calm. Furthermore, when you’re sitting down, avoid that rapid-leg movement that some men do when they’re scared, because it looks like a dog that’s getting its belly scratched, and it’s very unsightly.

Keep Your Eyes Looking Forward

Keeping your eyes looking level could be one of the biggest ways to show that you have confidence in your body language. When you’re walking somewhere, it often feels normal to look down toward your feet and watch your step. However, when you do this in conversation, it shows that you don’t want to communicate with other people or interact. If you’re not aware of this, you could end up doing it all the time. Keep your eyes looking forward and your chin up, even when you’re just walking down the street all by yourself.

Stand Straight with Your Shoulders Back too

Standing up straight is one of the surest ways to project confidence. It shows that you’re assertive, confident, and in control.

Follow these four tips and you will emit confidence in front of your hot date and increase your manly-attractive scale up a notch, as far as body language goes anyways. Body language is an often-overlooked step in projecting confidence on a date so keep that in mind!

Author Profile

Writer, pianist, and first and foremost a man. Through my life experiences, I've been sharing tips and interesting fact about women and men through my blog for several years now.

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