Avoiding Relationship Stress

relationship stress
relationship stress

It really feels good to know that when you are in a relationship, you have someone to help you and make you feel better or simply be there for you when you need them. According to Judy Ford, author of Every Day Love: The Delicate Art of Caring for Each Other, stress affects relationships more than what most people know. Why, stress is such a normal part of a person's life we tend to overlook the signs that it's getting its toll on our relationships. While some people quote that circumstances happen to strengthen your relationship with one another, there are actually simple, little things that might be the reason why you are in constant conflict with your partner.

So here are the relationship stressors that you should avoid:

Relationship stress #1: You're not talking.

Maybe you're just used to not talking about things. But the first thing about relationship is that you should be able to talk and be able to communicate with one another. You are together in the first place because you have once built that relationship. And relationships are not just built because you agree on something. You build it through communicating with one another. Your relationship might be stressed because you don't talk as often as you have done before. Remember, what makes two people closer are not distance but how much they know each other than most people around them.

Relationship stress #2: You're always giving him/her the cold shoulder.

When you disagree with him/her or you have a little tiff off, are you bent on giving him the cold shoulder? You shouldn't and it should be a NO-NO. Giving him/her the cold treatment every time you disagree could tire both of you. Don't stress your relationship more by acting like you have been hurt more than the other. Lower that pride of yours and say sorry, doing so does you better so stick to it. Learn to forgive one another and be ready to accept one another's imperfection.

Relationship stress #3: You're too busy to be with each other.

He has his own work, you also have your own. You have your own set of friends. He has another. If both of you can't mingle and be comfortable in the company of each of your friends, sort it out. Having less and less time together can be straining your relationship. If you think he's uncomfortable together with your gals, make him get his pals and join you. That way you can be together and still enjoy the company of your friends. Make time to set out your dinner dates together. Go out and enjoy the park. Do not give him/her the reason that you're too busy because if you really want it, you can make everything possible to be with him/her.

Learn more about this topic by visiting calm clinic.

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